It's a huge twenty-story office building, all curved glass and steel, an architect's utilitarian fantasy, with Grey House written discreetly in steel over the glass front doors.
So with a curved glass, it's harder to pace yourself, and by the time you think you've finished half your beer, you're actually much more than halfway through.
Whatever the reason, shape symbolism makes us perceive chocolate cut into rounds as sweeter than the exact same bar in chunks, or beer from a curved glass as fruitier.
Designed by Yann Weymouth, it features a simple rectangular shape punctuated by an organically curved glass atrium known as the " Enigma, " a fitting tribute to the mystery and complexity of Dalis work.
它由 Yann Weymouth 设计,采用简单矩,点缀着被称为“Enigma”有机弯曲玻璃中庭,这是对 Dalis 作品神秘和复杂性恰当致敬。